I’ve been thinking about starting a podcast recently. It wouldn’t be the first time. I’ve started and stopped a podcast twice. One while I was in business school, the other right after I started my first business. The audio artifacts of those interviews live somewhere on soundcloud now. The podcast bug is lurking again. Recently, […]
Words are very impactful. In an 18th century letter, the American writer, scientist, political philosopher, publisher, and one of the founding father of America, Benjamin Franklin, wrote and made the phrase popular: “Death and taxes are the two things certain in life” A lot has changed since then. When I was about to graduate from […]
Writing and doing creative activities can help you build your self-confidence. That’s one of the reason’s I write this weekly letter. Let me take you back a bit. It was a regular summer Monday morning in a small one-bedroom apartment in Franc, back in 2022. I woke up drowsy. Feeling tired. Foggy. I sluggishly got […]
When I started writing my most recent book, I set up my campaign to write the prequel to my award-winning sci-fi novel. I had thoughts of having a portfolio of books like Octavia Butler. I researched the latest marketing strategies by contemporary authors and entrepreneurs. I focused on what worked and didn’t work in the […]
I write these letters to reflect, gain perspective, and develop my mindset. Musta’s Mixtape, my latest book, is a physical manifestation of this mindset. It’s also the outcome of my NFT project. Speaking of NFTs… I was at VeeConn, an entrepreneurship, web3, and marketing conference hosted by Gary Vaynerchuk, earlier this summer. This was my […]
My fourth book, Musta’s Mixtape, published earlier this week. You see, I never planned on becoming a writer. It just happened. It started off with a business blog. Then a mixtape, then a book, and another one, now a fourth. I can officially claim I’m a writer. Sometimes these definitions can be limiting, you start […]
Just before I get into it, my book, Musta’s Mixtape, is coming out on Amazon this Tuesday, Oct 8th. I’m going to email you out of excitement when it drops. I hope you will support me and get a copy. Now back to it… You see, I once thought entrepreneurship meant risking it all. Before […]
I write these letters to gain clarity and perspective> My hope is to share them with you to help you do the same. I started writing the story for my next book back in the summer of 2022 in a tiny apartment in the 2nd arrondissement in Paris. I’d set 15 minutes aside every morning […]
As I’m gearing up to launch my fourth book. I have spent a lot of hours tying up the loose ends to bring this book to completion. I’ve been writing it for 3 years now. So it’s time to take it over the finish line. I created a spreadsheet with a list of things I […]
This letter is going to be a little different. It’s about my new book and why it’s important to tell your story. I’ve been writing a lot lately. It can get confusing to manage all the interlocking tasks. As I sat down to write about all the stuff that goes around my book. The book […]