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Feedback is a Gift – Only if it’s Wrapped Properly
Feedback is a gift. …that keeps on giving. This was pounded into my brain while getting indoctrinated into the world of MBA business at Stanford. “you have to remain open

The Meaning of Life is to Create Meaning
What’s the meaning of life? I find myself asking that question every other week. Is that a high frequency? Do you ask similar questions? This is a question I've asked

Transform Your Relationship With Yourself and Others: 6 Ways to a More Connected Life
GM. That’s “Good Morning”, in case you’re not on Twitter. That’s what we in the “web3-nft” delegation do every morning. We wake up and get on twitter to post those

You Are Not What You Do: 5 Ways To Overcome Self-doubt
“You are A1 material” That’s what my mom told me, standing on the stairwell landing at home in Ikeja, Lagos in 1998. It was a humid morning during my summer

Your Work Is The Goal: 4 Ways to Get the Most of What You Want Out of Life
Why is it that achieving things only leaves you wanting more? I remember in 2008, when I got my first job out of graduate school. I was very excited and

Be Inefficient to Spark Your Creativity and Rage Against the Machines
The machines are about to take over your job. Don’t wait for the robot security to escort you out of the building. Just pack it up and quit while you're

5 Ways to Build Your Attention and Get Your Life Back Under Control
Pay Attention Time is your most valuable asset. So I’m not going to waste it. The inevitable truth is that we are all going to die one day. What you

Motivation is the Only Currency You Need: 5 Ways to Self-Motivate Towards Your Dreams
Most people do not want to be told what to do, yet we all take orders from people everyday. I remember receiving a notice from my previous manager. “Hey Nifemi,

Six Things To Enhance Your Spirit – What I’ve Learned on my 36-year Spiritual Quest
I woke up in the middle of the night and said a quick prayer, otherwise I thought I would be damned to a lifetime of eternal fire. That was me

Love is Your 1st Principle: The 3 Things You Need to Build Healthy Relationships
“I have only one job during my time on this planet: to love. This, like the human condition, is a first principle” I read that quote in a recent book

Rewire Your Brain With Ease: 7 Ways to Bring True Change with Reflection
What if i said you could change your brain faster than it would take to convince someone else to change their minds. Would you believe me? In 2012, I was