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Thanks For Reading: 2023 NapoRepublic Letters Recap

I’m going to keep this short today.

Well, I’ll try.

At the beginning of this year, I asked you if I could land in your inbox every week and you said yes. 

Well, you subscribed and haven’t unsubscribed yet.

This letter is to say: thank you for reading.

I started with letter #1 on Jan 28, 2023.

Now this is letter #47. 

I’ve used this newsletter to practice my writing.

A deliberate form of practice and I can tell you that my writing has improved. 

I can’t tell you about the output, you’d be the judge of that.

But what I can control is the input and the process.

Doing this every week gets easier each week.

What took my hours in the first couple of months, I can do in minutes.

All while trying to fit this into my work day.

It shows the benefits of consistency. 

As we move towards the end of the year, I just wanted to reflect on gratitude, feedback, and what’s coming next.

Another Calendar Year!

Sometimes we just keep going.

Get into the new year and just keep it moving.

We hardly take the time to appreciate how far we’ve come.

We don’t measure and get feedback

We can end up doing a bunch of things without realizing that we’ve done a lot

Before you know it, you look up and wonder where all the time has gone. 

One thing that has helped this year is choosing a self-directed goal.

For me – it was to understand what it felt like to publish a newsletter every week.

It has taught me a lot about deliberate practice, growth, appreciation, and the things that help us live a more full life.

Gratitude is what makes you content in the moment.

Feedback is what takes the measurement of past activities and helps you build better for the future

Take stock of all you’ve accomplished this year and count your blessings.

Take some time to get some feedback because that’s the only way to grow.

Feedback through self-reflection or asking the people in your life/community for it

And if you didn’t have those clear goals at the start of the year, take a few minutes this weekend to write a few things you want to achieve for yourself this new year.

Take stock of the present and get feedback to propel your life forward.

3 Things For NapoRepublic Letters

Through the last 47 weeks, I’ve shared my curiosities with you.

I hope that it brought points of reflection and comfort to your life.

As you take stock of how far you’ve come this year and plan for the future.

Incorporate a good dose of gratitude in your life. Because if you are alive, you have a fighting chance to achieve anything you want.

When you do this, it will prepare you for 2024. I’m hearing a lot of people call it the Kobe year (wait, why didn’t we call this year Jordan year?)

When you reflect, you’ll appreciate all you achieved this Jordan year (2023).

It can reconnect you with your vision and purpose, bringing more clarity to you as you move forward.

Here are the three things I want to do with this letter: be grateful, get feedback, and chat about what’s next.

1. Thanks again!!!

The main reason for this letter is to say thank you.

At the beginning of this Jordan year (ok I’ll stop now). At the beginning of 2023, I wanted to improve my writing.

I decided to write a weekly newsletter to stay accountable

Your inbox has provided a safe place for me to practice and land each week.

Thank you for opening. Thank you for reading. Thank you for spending the time to reply every other Saturday when something resonates.

We have shared 47 letters.

Talked about neuroscience, spirituality, the importance of feedback, making audiobooks, writing a new book, artificial intelligence, motivation, persuasive communication, getting out of the matrix, and so many different things.

It’s been fun.

You can find an archive of all ​47 letters here​.

Sending these letters have brought a lot of growth and joy to my life.

I’d advise you to try it out this coming year.

As I’ve said in previous letters: use writing to reflect, build connections, improve your health, self-express, and build wealth.

I hope you find easy ways to bring more creations into the world next year.

2. Can I get some feedback?

You can’t grow unless you know how you’re doing.

That’s why I want to ask you for some feedback.

There’s no other way to improve than asking you to tell me what you like and what can be improved in my letter writing.

Because I’d like to continue writing these letters in 2024

If you have 3 minutes to spare, I’d appreciate it if you tell me what you think about my letters.

Please ​fill out this short feedback form here.​

It will mean so much to me. Thank you.

3. The last letters of the year

There are two more Saturdays in this year.

I’m going to send you two more letters before the year ends.

Let me prepare you.

Those letters will be about the campaign for my new book.

I launched my first two books as a crowdfunding campaign.

There’s a good chance you supported me in the past in those early years of my author’s journey.

Well, I’m at it again.

I’ll be launching a 30-day pre-sale campaign for my next book.

The next two letters will be about this book, the project, and the campaign.

If you’re not interested, just mark the letters as read.

We will be back to regular scheduled writing in the new year.

Just letting you know ahead of time.

If you find it somewhere in your heart to support the campaign, I’d be eternally grateful. (It’s going to be a fun project)

Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading my letters this year.

Cultivate gratitude in your life as we shoot a fadeaway in this….(Jordan year. I’m sorry I couldn’t resist).

Make it a priority to reach out and connect with your family and real friends.

Get some personal feedback through self-reflection and by asking for it.

Your best is yet to come.

P.S. Before you go, please ​fill out this feedback form​. Thank you.

Who is Nifemi?

Hey I’m Nifemi of NapoRepublic

I help busy people fit in a creative practice to bring to bring order to their reality and help them live a more meaningful life through writing and reflection.

Sculpt your story

Know thyself, build a second brain, and unleash your creativity with writing. All in one journaling, note-taking, and dots-connection method that fits into your busy life.