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Noise Is The New Authority: Musta’s Mixtape Coming 2024

Toffy wrote quietly in his room.

It was 3:50 AM, just a few minutes before all the screens went on.

He scrambled to get a few more minutes of words into his notepad.

His mind wavered.

The pulsing utilization bar blinked.

“Down with the establishment.” He thought.

His breathing intensified.

He remembered what Musta had told him as he handed over the mixtape. “When you ever get stuck, there are 12 tracks on here. Just play them and write to them”

Toffy took a deep breath and played track 7.

The vibes reverberated.
He cut through the dampening noise.
The words started flowing onto his device.

Cut Through the Noise

That’s a snippet of the world in J City in 2049 from my Toffy’s Domes series.

Here’s what The Next Generation Independent Award committee had to say about Toffy’s Divide, the first book in the series.

Musta’s Mixtape is the prequel to Toffy’s Divide and it’s coming out next year.

There’s a narrative divide in our world today.

Only a few are empowered to tell their stories.

With the ever-evolving economic and technological landscape, people feel inundated with too many perspectives.

Some are more unsolicited than others.

Mine might be one of them (but hey you’re reading, so I’m going to keep telling). 

Musta’s Mixtape expands the storytelling universe of J City.

It follows the story of Musta and how he put together the music that became a catalyst for change in J City.

We follow the soundtrack of how Musta, Toffy, Dejah and other residents in J City used storytelling to rock the system.

There’s a digital rush that you might be ignoring.
And the mining tool is storytelling.

Musta’s Mixtape

I heard that artists use lies to tell truths.

Fiction is the representation of life itself.

Although Musta’s Mixtape is a futuristic tale, it touches on the current changes we are facing in society today.

What is our collective story?

What role do you as an individual have to play in it?

Yuval Noah Harari said in his book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, that one of the main challenges we face as humans is that we’ve lost a unified narrative.

When we don’t have a collective story to believe, we feel lost and disconnected.

We can see that today.

When there is no clear story, we begin to parrot trends.
We create echo chambers.
Noise becomes the authority.

Tapping into your storytelling genius is the signal to help you cut through.

In an era where things are changing quickly, you have to embrace uncertainty and tap into your unique perspective and critical thinking.

This will allow you to grow your creative mind with the times.

Being part of a storytelling movement will inspire you to do the most important thing you have to do in this era: tell your own story.

Tell your story to discover and find yourself.
Through your self-discovery, you find your people.

Ultimately, you build community with these people, fostering connection, health, and wealth.

Come join in on this storytelling revolution.

Get a Toffy’s Domes Pass and support the campaign to be a part of Musta’s Mixtape.

Who is Nifemi?

Hey I’m Nifemi of NapoRepublic

I help busy people fit in a creative practice to bring to bring order to their reality and help them live a more meaningful life through writing and reflection.

Sculpt your story

Know thyself, build a second brain, and unleash your creativity with writing. All in one journaling, note-taking, and dots-connection method that fits into your busy life.